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Family History Group

Handout notes- Wills and Non Conformist Records
Presentation Slides with notes- Wills and Non Conformist Records
Links from Wills notes -
CLICK here for an article about wills in the context of family history including the dates wills began in various counties.
CLICK here for another article with a huge amount of useful information about wills, again in the context of family history.
CLICK here for PCC wills online.
Links from Non Conformists notes -
CLICK here for Northamptonshire CRO Non Conformists Records
CLICK here for an excellent timeline specifically relating to parish registers with more explanations of relevant laws passed
CLICK here for Dr William’s Library. Only information page, no searchable database
CLICK here for Family Search Non conformist christenings and marriages including Dr Williams Library births. Records are referred to as RG4-8 which are the National Archives film numbers
CLICK here BMDRegisters Part of The Genealogist website where you can view non parochial registers from the National Archives.
CLICK here Ancestry has quite a few non conformist records. Go to the Card Catalogue and type in nonconformist box into the Keyword to see the areas covered
CLICK here Original IGI Records (International Genealogical Index)
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